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Field Reference

An environment YAML allows you to provide all the details of an environment.


It has following main sections:


Since Environment definition uses a Kubernetes Custom Resource the top section of the definition in YAML needs to follow its convention.

Field Name Field Type Description
apiVersion string Custom Resource Header. Value needs to be
kind string Custom Resource Header. Value needs to be Environment
metadata Metadata Metadata about the Environment
spec spec Details about the Environment

Custom Resource Header

kind: Environment



Field Name Field Type Description
name string The name should be unique for every environment. To ensure that we follow below naming convention:-

company is your company's name. team and environment are defined in the spec section below
namespace string Namespace should be {company}-config


  name: zmart-checkout-dev
  namespace: zmart-config


Spec contains details of the environment to be provisioned.


Field Name Field Type Description
teamName string Name of the team to which this environment belongs
envName string Name of the environment
autoApprove boolean To skip the manual approval step of applying the changes to a workflow, set this flag to true. Default value is false. More info here
teardown boolean To teardown an environment, set this flag to true. Default value is false. More info here
selectiveReconcile array More info here
components array Array of environment components


  teamName: checkout
  envName: demo


Array of environment components.


Field Name Field Type Description
name string Name of the environment component
type string terraform is currently the only supported type
destroy boolean Optional field. Flag for destroying a component. Default is false. More info here
destroyProtection boolean Optional field. If set to true, CloudKnit will not destroy this component (default is false)
dependsOn array Optional field. Array of environment component names, which this module depends on
secrets This section references the secret values which are input through the CloudKnit UI
tags Tags are labels attached to components for the purpose of identification. It is an array of string
variables Inline variables, these will get injected into the terraform module when TF code is generated. array of name -> value objects
variablesFile string Variables can also be passed from an output defined in a previous module using outputs block, via a tfvars file
module string Modules are containers for multiple resources that are used together. You can either reference a public or private module.
outputs string Output values make information about your infrastructure available on the command line, and can expose information for other components to use. Output values are similar to return values in programming languages. If the module supports outputs, name them here so they can be referenced in variables block using valueFrom
overlayFiles A file that contains additional information about the current items. By using an overlay file, the metadata of these items can be extended.
overlayData Rather than have information pointing to the file with overlay information, you can also specify the data.

Selective Reconcile

Field Name Field Type Description
skipMode boolean Flag indicating if the tags mentioned for selective reconcile are to skip reconciliation. By default this is set to false. If you wish to skip reconciling some components, then set it to true and tag the components appropriately
tagName string Required, if using selectiveReconcile
tagValues array of string Required, if using selectiveReconcile


Field Name Field Type Description
aws Optional field. Configuration block for AWS provider. More info coming soon


Field Name Field Type Description
secrets This section references the secret values which are input through the CloudKnit UI
name string Name of the terraform module variable
key string Secret name entered in CloudKnit UI settings page
scope string Refers to what scope the secret is valid in. Valid scopes are org, team and environment


Field Name Field Type Description
tags Tags are labels attached to components for the purpose of identification. It is an array of string
name string Type of tag
value string Identifying tags


Inline Variables

Field Name Field Type Description
variables Inline variables, these will get injected into the terraform module when TF code is generated. array of name -> value objects
name string Name of the variable
value string Value of the variable
valueFrom string

Variables from a file

Field Name Field Type Description
variablesFile string Variables can also be passed from an output defined in a previous module using outputs block, via a tfvars file
path string Required field, if using variablesFile. Path to the file in the source repo.
ref string No description available
source string Required field, if using variablesFile. Repo where the variables file can be found.


Field Name Field Type Description
name string Public terraform modules can be referenced here. For private module, specify the full path
path string If the module is in a subdirectory (monorepo with multiple terraform modules), use this to specify the path
source string Required field. Currently aws is the only supported type
version string No description available


Field Name Field Type Description
name string Required field, if using outputs
sensitive boolean Optional field. Flag to indicate if the output is of sensitive nature. By default the value is set to false. To not display it in plaintext, set it to true

Overlay Files

Field Name Field Type Description
source array of string Required field, if using overlayFiles. Repo where the file is located
path array of string Required field, if using overlayFiles. Path to the file in the source repo
ref No description available

Overlay Data

Field Name Field Type Description
data string Required field, if using overlayData. Content of the file (generally it is a multi-line string)
name string Required field, if using overlayData. Name of the file, containing the afore specified data